Bespoke Orthotics / Shoe Inserts
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We are passionate at offering the best local service for medical-grade custom orthotics in the area! We can offer an unlimited variety of custom orthotics including custom sandals and flip flops made specifically for the patient - you’ve tried the rest now try the best!
The Podiatrist at the Clinic has a special interest in bespoke (custom-made) shoe inserts, these are top of the range orthotics specifically manufactured for the patient, custom-scanned to the nearest millimeter. We have successfully made bespoke orthotics for hundreds of satisfied patients over many years.
We offer a no-stress bespoke orthotic service; all our bespoke orthotics come with a free 4 month re-adjustment period during which orthotic consultations are free of charge. They also have a lifetime guarantee against breakage.
What can orthotics be used for?
Relief from many types of foot pain including metatarsalgia, capsulitis, Morton's neuroma, painful heels, plantar fasciitis, calcaneal bursa (policeman's heel), nerve impingements, sural neuritis, flat feet, high arches, shin pain, Achilles pain, retrocalcaneal bursa, arthritic pain and knee pain. Sometimes orthotics will form part of a management plan and injection therapy or referral to other therapists for massage and mobilisation may be recommended at additional cost.
What do bespoke orthotics involve?
It involves scanning the feet using a 3D optical scanner from USA – this captures very accurate measurements of the patient’s feet (to the nearest mm). The scanner is an extremely precise device measuring thousands of different points of the contours of the foot. 3D lasers are perceived as the latest in technology and one of the most accurate measuring systems for orthotic devices.
How long does the appointment take?
For an unhurried consultation please allow about one hour for the biomechanical assessment and scanning of the feet. Please remember to bring a selection of your normal shoes with you. The orthotics will take between 2-3 weeks to arrive back from the laboratory.
Fitting of the orthotics
After arrival of the orthotics from the laboratory you will asked to attend the clinic for fitting. This is for about 15 minutes to ensure there are no immediate problems and answer any questions you may have.
For the first 2-3 weeks after receiving the orthotics you may experience a transient discomfort sometimes in the calf muscles or knees but this should never be unduly painful.
Follow up appointments
Follow-up appointments are included in the price (£10 supplement for appointments from 6.30pm). You will be invited back after about 3 weeks and at 2-3 months to ensure there have been no problems and you are satisfied. There are occasions when an adjustment is required and the orthotics are sent back to the laboratory for which there is no extra charge during the first 4 months.
How long do bespoke orthotics last?
The inner shell will last for many years, typically 10 years or more, and is guaranteed not to break under normal usage and also will never “bottom out”. The top cover may require refurbishment every 4-5 years for which they can be sent back to the laboratory. The cost of this is approximately £175 although the orthotics will be returned as good as new.
Can I have more than one pair?
You can have as many pairs as you -no further casting is required. You can simply choose to have a spare pair or have a variation of the original pair, for example, specifically for golf, for running, or for any other specific sport, or ladies may opt for an extra narrow pair to fit most court shoes; the choice is yours.
Examples of our high quality bespoke orthotics.
Bespoke orthotics are available to most patients who have problems with painful heels, ankles, feet, knees and legs, subject to an assessment by the podiatrist.
If you have had to endure the discomfort of painful feet or joints of the lower limb then pick up the telephone and make an appointment to see the podiatrist or alternatively telephone for an informal chat.
(Please note that custom orthotics are bespoke items and are returnable only for adjustment).
Prices subject to change. © Copyright Graeme Franklin 2024
I had struggled with my feet for 2 years before visiting Graeme. Having previously been given NHS insoles I saw little to no improvement in my walking and accompanied back pain.
I visited Graeme who offered the help I needed by making me some customised orthotics which, I can say have changed my life. I was unable to walk for any period of time without severe pain in my feet and back.
Since wearing my new orthotics I have no pain whatsoever, my posture is much better and the back pain gone! Thank you for a fantastic service!
L Nichols December 2018
Dear Graeme
I would like to thank you for your treatment of my legs and feet.
For 3 years and more I was in discomfort and sheer pain and on my right leg sometimes I could hardly stand or put it to the ground I was in such pain. Before I came to see you I had seen my local GP and physiotherapist who didn’t have a clue what it was.
But you cured my problem in a week. Thank you again.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs E Jeakings.December 2017
Dear Graeme,
I wanted to let you know how delighted I am with my orthotics that you had made specifically for my golf shoes.
Before I had them, I continuously came off the golf course with tired, achy feet, in fact my feet were so bad that by half way round I had lost interest in my game.
However, from the first time I wore them they felt extremely comfortable and I completely forgot that I had foot problems.
I now wear them every time I play and can now concentrate on my game and not my feet.
No more problems, thanks to you and my orthotics.I would recommend them to anyone who plays sport with the emphasis on using their feet.
Alan Melhado June 2016
Patient with heel pain.
The people commentating in this video are Graeme Franklin and his patient, giving us a 'reality' review, which is genuine, lights! camera rolling! action! footage of The Podiatry Clinic at work and making results happen for our patients.